Municipal and Communal Office of Staszów
tel.: 15 864 83 05
fax: 15 864 83 04

St. Roch Church

This small church, along with its surroundings, is a very charming and atmospheric place in Kurozwęki.

It was built in the 17th century as a token of gratitude towards God for saving the residents of Kurozwęki from the epidemic outbreak which befell Staszów and its vicinity in 1705.

Damaged during World War II, it was restored in the years 1914 – 1919. The church sits atop a rocky bluff. It is built on a square plan with a southern circular enclosure. There is also a narthex near the church.

The church square is surrounded with an old wall, including a stone gateway topped off with a tipped, shingled roof. All of this makes for an interesting example of Old-Polish sacral architecture.

Atop the church's ridge there is an elaborate flèche tower. The church has never served as a constant place of worship, except during the epidemic outbreaks of 1821 and 1893.

29-07-2016, Michał Mróz
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